The Papal Basilica of Saint Mary Major has made a special bond of spiritual communion with more than 300 Marian shrines throughout the world, through an official “affiliation” that allows them to share in the Basilica’s spirituality, devotion to the Mother of God, prayers of intercession and in particular, the precious grace of Indulgences granted by the Apostolic Penitentiary.
Other shrines, churches and chapels dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, or in which special devotion to her is celebrated, can request to participate in the spiritual benefits of the Papal Basilica of Saint Mary Major, and obtain a Certificate ofAffiliation from the Papal Basilica of Saint Mary Major and a Rescriptum from the Apostolic Penitentiary for the Indulgences.
How to request an affiliation
The Office of Affiliation ("Ufficio Aggregazioni") is available for guidance with the required process:
The following documentation is required:
1. A request by the person in charge of the Shrine (or Basilica, Church, Chapel or Image), detailing to which Saint the Church is being dedicated (“Title”).
2. Approval and confirmation of the diocesan Ordinary, preferably written on a separate sheet of paper.
3. Documentation should be sent to H.E. Cardinal Archpriest of the Papal Basilica of Saint Mary Major [Via Liberiana, 27 - 00185 Rome - Italy] and should include:
a) photographs, brochures or publications of the Shrine.
b) a summary of the history of the Church and the liturgical and pastoral work carried out, in order to obtain the granting of Indulgences or privileges from the Apostolic Penitentiary.
The applicant will be sent a Rescriptum of the Apostolic Penitentiary, along with the Certificate of Affiliation from the Papal Basilica of Saint Mary Major to be shown to the faithful as a stimulus to piety.
The delegate for all Sanctuaries, united trough this particular spiritual bond, is Fr Giuseppe Banfi.
How to be granted Plenary Indulgence
1. On the Feast Day of the Title Holder of the Papal Basilica of Saint Mary Major (5 August)
2. On the Feast day of the Title Holder of the “affiliated” church
3. On all solemnities of the Blessed Virgin, Mother of God.
4. Once a year, on a day chosen by each member of the faithful
5. Every time the faithful gather as a group for devotion in the affiliated church or in the Papal Basilica of Saint Mary Major.
The following conditions are required:
1. Sacramental Confession
2. Eucharistic Communion
3. Prayers for the intentions of the Holy Father
4. Exclusion from attachment to any kind of sin
5. Assistance in sacred services and the recital of at least the Pater Noster and the Creed.