Apostolic College of Penitentiaries of Saint Mary Major
The Apostolic College of Penitentiaries of Saint Mary Major was instituted by Saint Pius V with the Bull Pro nostri muneris officio, dated 1 September 1568, and was entrusted to the Order of Preachers (Dominicans).
There are 12 ordinary friar confessors and two extraordinary ones, belonging to the Order’s various Provinces and to different nations and languages, in order to better reflect the apostolic and universal nature of the Church.
The Liberian penitentiaries, in the spirit of Saint Dominic, who as Father, Judge, Teacher, and Friend reconciled penitents to God, exercise their ministry of reconciliation in the Papal Basilica of Saint Mary Major, fulfilling the Lord’s Mandate: “If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained” (Jn 20:23).
- Fr. Ludovico (Alexander) Melo, O.P., Priore
- Fr. Tiemen J.S. Brouwer, O.P.
- Fr. Pedro Fernandez Rodriguez, O.P.
- Fr. Artur Hącia, O.P.
- Fr. Miguel (Luis) Itza Urlega, O.P.
- Fr. Edmondo (Joachim) Jasiulek, O.P.
- Fr. Hernán Jimenez Salas, O.P.
- Fr. Wojciech Morawski, O.P.
- Fr. Krzysztof Poplawski, O.P.
- Fr. Salvatore (Giuseppe) Raciti, O.P.
- Fr. Vivian Rebello, O.P.
- Fr. Rofandi Tjahja, O.P.